Cooking from Scratch

Cooking from Scratch
Fresh is always best...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Taking it seriously...

There are a few things I want to accomplish in 2011, and there are a few things I am completely done doing.

1. I want to eat healthy. No dieting...just eat healthy.
2. Make weekly menus and actually follow them
3. Stay away from Fast Food places for 365 days.
4. Try one new recipe a week. Take pictures as I go and post them. (there is a learning process here for me...)
5. Choose one new experience a month. (No, not like sky-diving.)
6. Do one random act of kindness a week.
7. Spend more time with my grandchildren.
8. Do one thing a week I consider self-improvement.
9. Learn to forgive better and faster and then let it go!
10. Keep my DH as happy as possible.

Now, these thing are NOT ment to be resolutions. I just break those within a week. These are things I want to accomplish day by day and week by week. I hope to blog my accomplishments each week...if there is something to report.

I still hope to cook my way through each week with healthy food. With my DH's schedule, sometimes cooking for one is a drag and I usually just grab a frozen dinner or soup. We shall see how this new year goes.

I wish you all a Very Happy and Safe New year!!